Green Urban Paths: Fourth Transnational Project Meeting in Brindisi, Italy

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The Green Urban Paths project held its fourth Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) in Brindisi, Italy, on the 29th and 30th of April. Hosted by TQC SRL Partner (The Qube) at their MOLO 12 Brindisi – Coworking & Maker Space, this gathering brought together all project partners for an engaging and productive session.

Despite Damla Kiral from Stando Ltd Partner in Cyprus connecting remotely via Zoom, the meeting saw active and enthusiastic participation from all attendees. The collaborative environment facilitated thorough discussions on various project dimensions and tasks. The warm and open atmosphere encouraged meaningful dialogue, ensuring the meeting was highly productive.

On the day following the meeting, participants had the opportunity to explore the charming city of Brindisi. This journey of discovery highlighted Brindisi’s blend of historical significance and modern sustainable solutions. As we navigated its winding streets, we delved into the city’s ancient Roman heritage, admired its architectural marvels, and listened to the captivating stories of its long-time residents.

Brindisi’s ability to harmonize cultural allure with sustainable practices makes it a fitting location for the Green Urban Paths project. The city continues to enchant visitors with its rich history and welcoming spirit, reinforcing its status as a fascinating and alluring destination.

For more updates on the Green Urban Paths project, stay tuned to our website and social media channels.

Facebook Posts

6 days ago

Oggi 02/09/2024 articolo pubblicato su CRONACHE DEL MEZZOGIORNO sul Meeting a Koge (Danimarca) del progetto #greenurbanpaths #ErasmusPlus #ka220ADU ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Day 2 focused on the dissemination activities update, and quality assessment plan and further feedback for the fulfillment of an extraordinary project.See you very soon in Spain! ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

TPM-5 🎯Goal Achieved!🌞 A beautiful sun welcomed us on the 26th of August in the charming and sunny town of Køge, in Denmark, where we gathered for the 5th Transnational Project Meeting of our Erasmus+ 🇪🇺 KA220-ADU project, Green Urban Paths. 🇪🇸🇩🇰🇮🇹🇨🇾🇩🇪During the meeting, we delved into the current phase of our project activities, discussed our next step and gathered valuable feedback on our app and digital hub. These insights will be instrumental in enhancing the final Multiplier Events.CRN shared their experience with the first Multiplier Event in June, offering us invaluable lessons and ideas.We also laid the groundwork for our final meeting in Ibi, Spain, which we’re eagerly anticipating!💚 It’s always a pleasure to come together, share ideas, and stay updated on the latest in sustainable development. #ErasmusPlus #erasmusplusproject #ka220 #KA2 #Erasmus+ #EuropeanUnion #GreenUrban #Italy@raffaellaferreri @the_qube_incubator @blue_beehive @comparative_research_network @khsdk @standoutedu @molo12coworking_brindisi @palazzo.guerrieri ... See MoreSee Less
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G&UP project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Call 2021 Round 1. KA220-ADU-Cooperation partnerships in adult education

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